[quote name=\'gameshowsteve\' date=\'Aug 12 2004, 02:19 PM\']
Looks like one can hit the hotel bar between 7:15 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Sunday night and not miss a thing.

And if it wasn't for my loyalty to the Stages festival at
Theatre Building Chicago this weekend (with our guest star original "Star Search" megachamp Sam Harris--I know, that's stretching the game show definition), I'd be in Beautiful Downtown Burbank with you guys. Have a good time on me.
ObGameShow: Among our guest performers in past years at Stages were celeb panel mainstays Nancy Dussault and Joanne Worley (telling Hannibal Lecter jokes at a classy living room house party benefit--such class!) and in our first year, the writer of one of our pieces had worked with Allen Ludden (as a producer) on an ill-fated attempt by MTM in the late 70s to get into the game show business. (He and Betty were very good friends with Grant Tinker and Mary beyond Betty's portrayal of Sue Anne Nivens on "The MTM Show.")